The supplementary School of Nigerian Community Leeds (EXCEL @ NCL) started on Saturday 7th of July 2007. It currently runs at Richmond hill community centre at Long Close Lane, Leeds, LS9 8NP from 12-2pm every term time Saturday.
The objectives of the EXCEL @ NCL are:
- To Provide peer support for children ‘new’ to Education in UK and those achieving below parental and teachers’ expectations in schools.
- To provide specific education for self-identity using Mother tongue, music, dance and story-telling
- To introduce Basic Life Skills, Finance Skills and citizenship education to lay a solid foundation for social development
- To help prepare pupils for SATs and GCSE in Maths, English & Science
- To help bridge the gap in learning among people of African descent
- Holiday Sports, Art & Culture workshops with Education day trips
The achievements of EXCEL@NCL in the last 3-4yrs include:
- Lessons in core subject classes
- Help with preparation for SATS
- Dancing and Drumming workshops,
- Tie and Dye workshops,
- African Story books library – over 100 novels for all ages
- Yoruba and Hausa classes, other teachers still being sought
- Children’s NCL 10th Anniversary Party
- Sporting activities especially Badminton
- In 2008/9 supplementary school for pupils in Primary and secondary school continued.
Excel @ NCL and children’s day
NCL children’s day has been a successful event. Thank you for your support.
More to come…..