
Fusce a ante nisl, vitae pretium enim. Nunc imperdiet iaculis augue nec porta! Phasellus congue sapien eget libero ornare lobortis. Aliquam sit amet nulla velit, in posuere tellus. Nulla ut orci lorem. Donec in lectus orci, sed dignissim lacus. Praesent lectus diam, sodales at commodo sodales, hendrerit sit amet justo. Morbi a risus urna. Ut in lorem at nisi ultricies semper? Mauris imperdiet sem euismod ligula pulvinar hendrerit.

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International Women’s Day (IWD)

The International Women’s Day 2014 event on the 8th March has been deemed a great success.

The annual celebration of all things feminine in an inimitable Nigerian style proved to be a fantastic
evening of celebration. The highlight of the evening was a fashion show which showcased Nigerian feminine attire from different parts of the country. A surprise multi-cultural entry was that of a sister from Russia who showcased of course, Russian feminine traditional dress!
If you missed this year’s event, look out for IWD 2015 details on our website.

Click here to go to IWD gallery



NCL is pleased to announce the election of a new executive team effective December 1, 2015. Mr Fakunle is elected as Chairman  of the board, Mr. Wole Orudipa as Director of Finance, Dr. Ronke Adeniji as Director of welfare, Mr. James Adesanlu as Director of projects and Mr. Mba Ukpola as Director of Administration. We wish them well in taking NCL forward through to 2017.

Fusce a ante nisl imperdiet. Nunc imperdiet iaculis augue nec porta! Phasellus congue sapien eget libero ornare lobortis. Aliquam sit amet nulla velit, in posuere tellus orci lorem.
John Doe

Madiba – Rest in perfect peace

On November 5th 2013, our shining light, our father, our inspiration passed on. Madiba, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, your long walk to freedom is now at perfect peace. We, the children of Africa are indebted to you for your legacy of life itself. We take courage in your words “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” We love you, we miss you, but we know you are now at perfect peace. Your legacy lives on in the children of Africa, in the children of Nigeria Community Leeds.

NCL and StreetGames Take Tennis to Local Communities In Leeds

StreetGames UK Doorstep Sports Clubs working with NCL are planning to take tennis into Local Communities over the coming months. NCL attended a recent Tennis Activator Training course held at The Beck, a regeneration charity working with neighbourhoods and communities across Leeds, and is now committed to run 10 weekly sessions over the next 4 months. The Tennis sessions will target young people aged 14 to 25, aiming to attract particularly deprived communities and offer the chance to try the sport – many of who will never have played before.
Over the last 18 months the LTA Tennis Foundation and Leeds City Council have been working with local partners to increase tennis participation in the city, StreetGames UK are the latest partners to become part of the plan.

Sam Leigh from Nigeria Community Leeds commented, “Most of the activities that we currently run involve football. Having attended the course and seen how tennis can be taken to anyone in any place we are looking forward to giving the children another sport and we know they will enjoy the tennis sessions whether developing tricks, skills or playing the fun games It was a lot of fun for us and we know it will be a lot of fun for them. We are now looking forward to getting the project started.
– See more at: